Today is one of those days. That I am just happy. You know, like sitting there smiling by yourself looking like an idiot kind of happy. I actually caught myself sitting there smiling for no reason tonight. Humming songs walking around my house. Sitting on the couch eating ice cream in my PJ. Just feeling really content with life, with where I am. Feeling like standing on the bow of the Titanic, wind in my hair, arms spreading, and screaming "I'm the queen of the world!" kind of happiness. I know... I know... really cheesy. But you get the idea. Nothing extraoridinary happened today. But lately I'm just having this peaceful content feeling. It's a good thing. I wonder how long this high will last. Been feeling this way since I finished the race. Just happy.
Life's been great since I finished the ironman. I've been a bum just relaxing and enjoying this down time and all the great food. Time to get back on the healthy train and start training again before I reach 200 lbs.
But seriously, I'm just happy. Probably the happiest I've ever been. Feels like I'm flying. Flying high in life.
You can't see me. But I'm smiling right now.
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