Yay! I swam in my first ever swim meet today!!! 
I know, it's prob not a big deal to many people. But to me it's a big deal. I joined a local master swim program about 7 years ago after watching the olympics and thought maybe one day I'll compete in a meet. But that ended quickly due to a job change and I moved. Now fastforward 7 years... Yay! I'm in a meet!
I went to swim practice last Saturday morning as usual, and coach asked me to come to the meet this weekend and she'll put me on the relay team. I said to her, "Are you sure? I suck..." And she said I don't suck so just show up and do my best. What do you know... I ended up swimming in the 400M mixed medley and 200M mixed freestyle relay. And even dove off the starter block without losing my goggles for the first time ever! Yay! My time was not so great, but I'm so reliefed that I also didn't end up last place. Now that I'm on the team, coach said that there're 5 more meets coming up. This will definitely motivate me on my training. Oh btw, our club won first place!!! So I guess I didn't drag everyone down too much. Haha. Go Nova!
So this was the highlight of my weekend. I really needed it. It's been kind of rough lately. And I've been feeling really really down. I keep reminding myself of all the good things in life I'm blessed with. And focus on the good things in my life. Well, life has its way of playing out. I just have to not lose sight of where I'm going and who I am. In many ways, life is like an Ironman race, there're ups and downs, and the road is anything but smooth and easy. But the important thing is, to never give up. Stick to the fight and keep going no matter what, and you'll eventually get over that hill and get on the fast track. If it didn't work this time, try again next time. Be patient, because who knows... 7 years later you just might end up in a swim meet like you wanted, when you're least expected.
8/6/2007 Monday - Update:
OMG, who would've thought??? I was just excited yesterday that I entered my first meet. I didn't even bother checking the results because I thought I was so slow so what's the point? But I went online to check it today because coach said I should write my time down as a starting point. I was shocked and had to read it twice... My relay team won first place in our division!!! OMG!!! I was so shocked I had to email my coach to make sure I didn't read it wrong. And she said she has my medal that I didn't pick up at the meet! WOOHOO!!!!!! Wow... I'm still in shock and disbelief... Some life, huh? Happening when you're not expected! Holy shit, I won my first meet!!!!!!! WAAHOOO!!!!!